Derecho y Literatura
encuentros y relaciones
Law, Literature, Law and literature, JusticeAbstract
This article explores the links between two apparently disparate disciplines: law and literature. Although traditionally they have been considered independent fields, it will be sought to analyze how they have converged and complemented each other throughout history. First, it will examine the emergence of the "law and literature" movement, which has sought to study precisely the relationships between these subjects. It will explain the different lines of study and the stages that the movement has gone through, from its first moment called "humanist" to the period called "cultural studies". Then, the relations and encounters between the two fields of study will be developed, reflecting on it from four points of view or categories: the law in literature, the law as literature, the law of literature and, finally, from the ideas proposed by Martha Nussbaum referred to poetic justice. It becomes important to examine the links between law and literature in order to take advantage of the joint study of both fields, thus providing a valuable platform for exploring the complexity of the human condition and its relationship to law. These studies enrich both the academic and legal spheres, as well as the general public, providing and expanding perspectives about individuals, justice and society as a whole.
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